Katie Richard on the John Wood campus in Quincy, Ill.


Katie Richárd is a JWCC alum who transferred to the University of Central Oklahoma. She earned two bachelor’s degrees from UCO in 2017.  This original post was written after her first year at JWCC.  更新凯蒂的路径跟随帖子. 

1. My education will suffer because of the affordable price.

是的,我的储蓄罐在感谢我. No, my education is not any less than my friends at “brand name” schools. Not only are ALL of my credits transferring to my 4-year university, 但是今年夏天上了几门课之后, 实际上我是领先的! I would recommend starting with 1-2 years of community college to anyone and everyone.

2. 就像高中一样.
I thought the same thing, but I was definitely wrong. The professors here know you’re in post-secondary education. When you walk through those doors on your first day, it’s time to step up your game. High school spoiled you with the ability to retake tests you slacked on studying and turn in homework late without penalties; let me tell you, 这当然不一样. College is the time for you to put everything you’ve learned about being responsible and managing your time into practice. JWCC recognizes that college is a choice and a privilege, thus your professors treat it as so.

3. 我会认识班里的每一个人.
Because JWCC is sprinkled with non-traditional students, 全国各地的学生, 甚至是国际学生, 你不可能认识班上的每一个人. I went into my first course expecting to know at least a handful, 但是,老实说, 我一个学生也不认识. With classmates from the Netherlands, California, Africa, and Florida, meeting new people in easy!

4. 如果我留下,我就永远出不了城了.
我在去俄克拉荷马州的路上. Learning how to navigate myself nine hours away is nothing I’ve ever done before, or nothing I’d be experiencing if I was somehow forced to stay in Quincy! I have friends transferring next year to Missouri, Virginia, other Illinois locations. Q-Town对我来说永远是一个特别的地方, 现在我还是把它叫做家, 但在接下来的一年里, 这将会改变. I’ll be back, but by no means has JWCC limited my options to “being stuck in Quincy forever”.

5. Other colleges offer flexible schedules; I’ll never have a day off.
我星期五从不上课! Talk to anyone here on campus–this is the best thing ever. 过. Of all the students I know on campus, only one has a Friday class (choir). Even if you do have a class like choir, you’ll still have an extra half-day for your weekend! Also, our academic advisors will do everything in their power to help you out. You can access schedules online before making an appointment and find every course’s availability, so you can sign up for the classes you need with the professors you’d like at the times you want. 一个学期内, 块类, 夜校, 和更多的, you’re sure to get the schedule that best fits your needs.


I originally enrolled at John Wood to follow in my older sisters footsteps, but soon discovered my time at JWCC not only prepared me for the future with its great education, I saved money and it allowed me to get ready for all of the awesome opportunities ahead! 我想得越多, the more I realize I needed this extra year in Quincy before transitioning to a four-year university. I wouldn’t have wanted to start my college experience anywhere else besides J-Dub!


This fall I will start my third year at the University of Central Oklahoma (Edmond, OK)! I’m a senior and have a year and a half left in my program before graduating with concurrent degrees in Forensic Science and Accounting (December 2017). I’m able to attend UCO out-of-state through the help of several scholarships including the President’s Leadership Council award/organization (which I thank JWCC for giving me the interview practice for after being their Presidential Scholarship recipient for the 2013-2014 school year!) and absolutely love living in Oklahoma City’s metropolitan area. I stay very active on campus through my job at the UCO Criminal Justice office and through different leadership, 以信仰为基础的, and athletic-based organizations I participate in. 我很自豪能把昆西, Illinois on the map (as most students assume I’m from Chicago) and recently credited my hometown/J-Dub after receiving the Newman Civic Fellows Award, 这是一项全国性的公民参与荣誉, 谢谢你帮我开始中学教育. UCO is my second home and I can’t imagine going to college anywhere else!

{另外,我是法医学的双学位 & Accounting to work with digital evidence/crime scene investigation or human-trafficking to gain experience in order to eventually apply for a unit of the Federal Bureau of Investigation!}

更新# 2

I graduated from the University of Central Oklahoma (Edmond, OK) in Spring 2018 with a BS in Forensic Science and BBA in Management Information Systems! In July I will move to Oklahoma City to begin my career with the FBI as a Forensic Examiner, 她从2017年6月开始实习. Both JWCC and UCO played major roles in building my successful college experience, which in turn has led to a remarkable start of post-grad life! 加油开拓者和Roll ' Chos!